Friday, January 27, 2012

Why does the game Bejeweled give you the answers? How is that suppose to be a fun or a challenging?

what is the point?Why does the game Bejeweled give you the answers? How is that suppose to be a fun or a challenging?
do you notice that in the classis game, each time you use hint, the power bar decreased? so it is a bit challenging.

and in the action version, you have to use it if you cant find them, coz u'll waste ur time and end up losing.Why does the game Bejeweled give you the answers? How is that suppose to be a fun or a challenging?
you are only suposed to use it if u really have toWhy does the game Bejeweled give you the answers? How is that suppose to be a fun or a challenging?
To save you time. If you can't find it, do you really want to spend 30 minutes trying to find the two jewels to swap?

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